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The Silent War on Knowledge: Banned Books Week Sheds Light on Book Censorship in American Prisons

Rachel McDonnell

Updated: Oct 19, 2023

The Silent War on Knowledge: Banned Books Week Sheds Light on Book Censorship in American Prisons

In a nation that prides itself on the freedom to read and express ideas, it might come as a shock to some that the most extensive book banning takes place within the confines of American prisons. Banned Books Week, an annual event in the United States, has partnered with prison book programs nationwide and PEN America to cast a spotlight on the critical issue of book censorship behind bars. This partnership aims to raise awareness about the challenges prisoners face concerning book restrictions, highlighting the arbitrary nature of these bans and the lack of transparency and oversight in the process.

The Extent of Book Banning

With a staggering two million Americans incarcerated, the scope of book censorship policies within the U.S. correctional system is both systematic and far-reaching. State and federal prison authorities wield significant control over the content that reaches inmates, often without sufficient oversight or public scrutiny. Unfortunately, the final decision regarding an individual's right to read often rests in the hands of the prison mailroom.

Books in American penitentiaries can be banned on vague grounds, with authorities removing titles and authors they believe may hinder "rehabilitation" or appear to endorse criminal behavior in any way. These vague criteria often result in sweeping prohibitions. Even literature addressing civil rights and seminal works that critique the American penal system, such as "The New Jim Crow" and "Race Matters," frequently find themselves subject to bans.

The Challenge of Access

Prisons are increasingly restricting the ability of incarcerated individuals to order books directly, citing security risks associated with book deliveries. Consequently, thousands of inmates across the country are facing a significant reduction in their access to books, regardless of the content within them. This limited access deprives them of a valuable resource for rehabilitation and education.


While some material is understandably restricted, some bans make little sense. PEN America cites several examples in "Literature Locked Up: How Prison Book Restriction Policies

  • Texas has banned works by renowned authors and award winners, including Alice Walker, Robert Penn Warren, John Updike, Joyce Carol Oates, Annie Proulx, Pablo Neruda, Andre Gide, George Orwell, and Bob Dole.

  • In Ohio, a prison prevented a book donation group from sending a biology textbook, citing anatomical drawings as "nudity."

  • Arizona banned books like "Dragonology: The Complete Book of Dragons," "E=MC2: Simple Physics," and "Sketching Basics."

  • Tennessee officials refused to allow the distribution of a Holocaust book, objecting to a photo of nude victims.

  • A federal prison in Colorado initially denied a prisoner access to President Barack Obama's memoirs, citing potential national security concerns.

  • In New York, a prison tried to ban a book of Moon maps, claiming it posed escape risks.

The Need for Reform

Banned books in U.S. prisons represent a significant obstacle to inmates' rehabilitation and education. The arbitrary nature of book bans, coupled with the challenges inmates face when contesting these bans, underscores the urgent need for reform in the correctional system. While maintaining security and order in prisons is vital, it should not come at the cost of denying inmates access to literature that can help them grow, learn, and prepare for life beyond bars.


As we celebrate Banned Books Week and the freedom to read, it's crucial to remember that this freedom should extend to all, including those behind bars. Book censorship in American prisons is a pressing issue that demands attention and reform. Finding a balance between security and the right to access information is a vital step toward a more just and rehabilitative prison system. Banned Books Week serves as a reminder that the fight for the freedom to read knows no boundaries, and it's a fight we must all join to ensure a more equitable future for all.

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